Thursday, June 10, 2004

Annie had a new man. They're just getting close and tragedy strikes. It seems there is little guard against tragedy. The man's best friend-- that friend's daughter is abducted and killed and left in the woods. This week they are going through the first phrases of mourning.

She is holding up now, but we are working together on healing rituals, such as the right baths to take, candles to burn, meditations to make, how much grief it is safe to personally take on. A great deal of my life is consumed with ritual making these days. Blessings. Sometimes someone may ask for a curse, but I usually don't have to say to much to dissuade them from this. what hey need is a blessing too, maybe a healing ritual. I don't mind this a bit. It is part of being a hedgewalker.

This place to me is full of life and rich with gods and spirits, character, love and inspiration. The whole world is a place of wonder if we have eyes for it.

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