Sunday, June 13, 2004

All things have a spirit. Tonight with one of the dogs I sit in the yard waiting for the sun to set. Bees buzz past me. Firelfies light up in the crabapple. the new honey locust plant burshes my knees. Thoughtfully, the dog begins to lick the cracks of my toes. Ants cross the concrete of the deck. There is so much life. The sunset, the slight breeze, they have a life. The elm tree on the neighbor's property that leans over into our yard (because it likes us better) has a life. Out here I am part of it. Sink into this knowledge and all the weariness passes. Anything that is not important in this deep knowledge, of how all things are held together in God's Hoop, how the universe cares for her own-- is not important at all.

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