Saturday, April 03, 2004

rain iii

"God took me by the hand and blindly I followed."

-- Little Sister Madeleine

Finished the rough draft to Derwydd the Saturday before last. This left me with that space of a few days between working on one project and turning to another. Ah, the dangerous space where I had the near breakdown. But then if I hadn't snapped two weeks ago, I'd be snapping now, this week and at a totally unfit time.

Started in on the new book, a fantasy novel. I had the nerve to try to outline it. Now I just try not to think and move on with the story trusting that at the end of the fifteen weeks I've given myself they'll be something nice to look at.

Jenny, I will pay you MONEY to remove the Proximity link from your site and replace it with Wicked Fairy. Well, I won't pay you, but still...

Speaking of Wicked Fairy, Helen, the second part of "Thirty-One" has been posted.

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