Monday, November 15, 2004

Writing Again

I am remembering someone asking me about one of my stories. He thought that somehow in them were clues about me, that to ask about the tale is to ask of the teller. The story tells about itself. And it tells about you, the reader. It is an eye, and it is mirror. Held up. Many people think that the story will tell about the storyteller.

They are wrong.


Unknown said...

I am still here and I am still reading (sometimes)!! Trying to catch up on all the news... email me!

Chris said...

Oh, H, i missed you! There's so much I have to tell you. i'm so happy, and you'll be so surprised. I've got to write you a really long letter. And I will. But not tonight, cause i'm tired.

Unknown said...

I'll look forward to it :)

Anonymous said...

Well I'm guilty of trying to find clues in your writing that lead to a glimpse of the real you. You are still an intriguing mystery - maybe if I read more i may uncover the real person behind the words...but then again maybe mysterious is the way you should be.

Chris said...

Who am I? A psychologist was talking about people having multiple personalities and no settled one. I think that's probably accurate for me because I'm a bunch of different people at any given time,and they're all real. But, odd as this sounds on MY blog, I don't think it's really about me. I'm not much to write home about.

Frema said...

It may not be true in your case, but it definitely is in mine.