Monday, November 22, 2004


Today I saw an ass--
round and tight, firm
and confident,
full of arrogance
proud and upright,
encased in cordoroy and
and naivete
and that ass reminded me of you
and your ass so long ago
so round and full of itself
and I still see your ass in my mind's eye
with the shirt hitched up on it,
shirts never ever
fell right down over it--
that ass never hid
i meditate of that ass
and wonder how you are

1 comment:

Chris said...

To Helen:

A rose would smell ass sweet with any other name...
but it would not be as round.

I thought I sent you the all revealing email. I didn't. I'm sorry. Well, there is so much to say I will write very soon. Yes, yes, a real live paper book. Yay!