Thursday, November 25, 2004


There's something about this time of year... makes me feel like making lists.

The Ten Most influential novels (or series) for me:

in the order that they come to mind...

1. The Song of Solomon Toni Morrison
2. His Dark Materials Philip Pullman
3. Giovanni's Room James Baldwin
4. The World of Normal Boys K.M. Sohnlein
5. The Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkien
6. The Red Tent Anita Diamant
7. Dune Frank Herbert
8. A Wizard of Earthsea Ursula LeGuin
9. A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens
10. The Harry Potter Series J.K. Rowling

What a strange list! Some of these books a lot of people have never heard of. Some of these books I know I'll never read again. But they've left their mark on me for various reasons. What are the books that leave an imprint on you?


Frema said...

What a great question!

Flowers for Algernon by William Keyes
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis (I can't say the whole series b/c I've not yet finished it)
The Baby-sitters Club series by Ann M. Martin
The Nancy Drew Files by Carolyn Keene
Harry Potter seriesChildren's books are very important to me. They're the reason I fell in love with reading and writing in the first place.

Chris said...

i LOVE The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I was debating putting it on the list, but I only had ten spots. I think I've read the whole Narnia series about six or so times. The Silver Chair got me through my first semester out of college. Happy Thanksgiving, Free!

Unknown said...

Now, that is really weird. I was going to write to you and recommend that you read a book that I am reading! I'll have a go at making a list too, but they're in no order.

1. I know this much is true by Wally Lamb (I am reading it for a 2nd time, and I really think you'd like it, so go and get it and tell me what you think!)

2. Have spacesuit, Will travel by Robert Heinlein. I can't tell you how many times I have read this...

3. The Business by Iain Banks.

4. Billy by Whitley Streiber. I read this book over 10 years ago, now, and it's stuck with me ever since.

5. Otherworld by ??? Max somebody? There are 3 volumes...!

6. Good Night Mr. Tom by Michelle Magorian

7. Cat by Freya North

There are so many books that I have read, but I can't remember most of them! I especially like Marian Keyes, Iain Banks (and his sci-fi alter ego Iain M. Banks), plus Freya North, so I have been a little reticent in picking too many specific books of theirs.

Well, that is my list!

Unknown said...

I have just realised that I have copied you without noticing beforehand, and I am very sorry! I've put in a line on my site about what I am reading, then looked back at yours and realised you had already done it! Forgive me?? Great minds think alike!

Frema said...

And a Happy Thanksgiving to you, too - albeit one day late. :)

Chris said...

Oh, Helen!

Tad Williams wrote the Otherworld series. I've always wanted to read it, but I've been scared because he did another series I didn't like. I OWN a hardbound copy of I Know This Much is True, but I've been afraid to read it because of She's Come Undone, another Wally Lamb book. I forgot abotu the Ian Banks book, though I always mean to read him. I have always wanted to read Rober Heinlein. I will certainly be paying attention to your book list.

Chris said...

Oh, and Miss Cheese (Frema) Happy Turkey Day. I can't believe Sam is getting married. They grow up so fast.... and then they die.

Or if they're Susan Welter's sister, they just die

: )

Anonymous said...

I know you much prefer to read, and understandably so, but Earthsea has been made into a Sci-Fi Channel miniseries, which I believe, starts tonight, Monday, the 6th of December.

-David M.