Friday, February 27, 2004

Get on the Bus I

The other day I get into a discussion with Shannon, one of the librarians, about checking out more books than we know are even possible to read in the twenty-one day time we have. I'm getting better, though. I actually nearly finish most of the books I take out now. One I'm reading is Patricia Monaghan's The Red- Headed Girl From the Bog. There is a place where she describes Ireland by taking a map of the united states and wadding it up. "It's like America, only smaller." Since most people in Ireland don't see the need for driving, and roads are complex, traveling one hundred miles there is like most people traveling a thousand in the States. In Ireland people rely on buses for the most part, like most people I know, self included. Monaghan's thoughts resonated with me because I've noted that I don't have the same perception of distance as my friends who drive. I usually walk, I spent an hour in though and travel going to a place a car would take me in five minutes. Aside from the fact that I'm not willing to put down the money for an automobile, I like this better. Most of the time. I see a lot more. It makes my life longer, very little whizzes by you when your traveling life is composed of walking or waiting for a public bus. Most of my adventures and revelations occur on public transit.

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