Friday, January 30, 2004

Mystery Meat

I heard about this case some time ago. But I forgot all about it until I was listening to the BBC around midnight. In Germany a man is on trial for cannabalism. Apparently he got on a chat room or something and told people that it was a childhood fantasy of his to eat a human being.

(Incidentally my childhood fantasy was to be a fireman.)

Anyway, someone obliged. The man gave him a ticket to come visit him. They had a congenial night at his house, and then the cannibal in making recorded himself stabbing the man to death and eating him.

The judge has decided the man is competent to stand trial.

His defence says that sense the "sacrifice" (?) was willing-- which sort of gives it a warm, cozy, Christian feel-- technically it was a mercy killing and not a murder.

Or maybe since the sacrifice was willing you could just call it a really, really, retro- Mass?

Wouldn't that pack the houses of worship on Sunday?

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