Tuesday, March 23, 2004

sunshiny things

Spring is setting in, but barely. Northern Indiana seems just as unwilling to surrender winter as my heart is. I am not ready to start new things, make new endeavors, give up old ways, face possible truths. How can it be March already? Wasn’t it just December? Time is ticking, ticking, and it is all too easy for me to become a victim to my imagination and look at months as if they have been years.
The Vernal Equinox fell at new moon this year making it doubly holy day. It was also the day I finished the rough draft of the novel I’ve been working on, and said good bye, for a while, to that cast of friends. I do not return to proof a story until it is good and cold. Until I get to a place where it is removed from me and in going over it the same things that would confuse or surprise another reader would do the same to me. I opened the new site, Wicked Fairy, and I will mention it a lot and add to many forums because I don’t think I’m being vain when I see people should see it. The stories are good there, and I DO SAY SO MYSELF. I’ve been going over the ones that will be posted in near weeks.
I turn to one story I wrote sometime ago that I’m proofing, and I live in that tale for a while. Living with these characters it’s as if I’ve made some pact with darkness. Not evil, but with life’s underbelly and people’s deep concerns. I don’t know if it’s correct to say I like the dark, but I feel at home in it, even when it’s driving me half mad. I don’t know that I could be a story teller and tell bright sunshiny things.

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