Saturday, March 13, 2004

Expect some new links to pop up in the sidebar. I'm been blog hunting and happily surprised. Lent can be a time of refreshment if you're willing to pass through a little of the muck. One thing I've seen is how I'm afraid to be too thankful, as if God will jinx me for being to thankful, as if life will turn to crap again. When I write this I wonder how I could ever have thought it. But it took a long bit of prayer and meditation before I realized I was even thinking it. There is so much to be thankful for, and so many people to thank. Thank you Jenny for reminding me of the world around me. Thank you Andrew for putting me into perspective and reminding me there's nothing like an old man and I'm nothing like an old man. Thank you, London, for... your name. There's a novel I read where people guard their real names and only give them to true friends. I will, in exchange, give some of my names away. Helen, you have been a wonderful friend and a marvelous agent on joe.user. (Read Jamnia everyone!) Thank you Doc, for stopping to give some good advice (medication?) And Tonio, thank you for leaving a comment. You never do! Thanks to all the people who pass through Witch's Blood, always straighten up the pillows and clean up, looking around, but leaving the house looking as if they were never here. Only the counter tells me otherwise...

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