Sunday, April 24, 2005

Magic and Miracles

Magic and miracles take time. God may be slow because he has to be. We are so fixated on microwaves. We think prayers should be like pushing those buttons and hearing the little motor zap radiation into all of our wishes.

God remembers our wishes, our deepest desires long after we have forgotten them. It is the fifth week of Easter, the last before Ascension Sunday and then Pentecost. For a long time now there is a peace I have longed for, an end to disputes with one person, and end to these bad feelings, this wall. This morning in church, I turn and catch his eye. He is looking at me. I wish him peace, something I think it took my a long time to truly wish, and so I never would have done. To my surprise he says it back. Miracles are small like that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm pleased for you that you felt able to receive your miracle :)