Monday, May 10, 2004

The years ahead will not be peaceful and uneventful.
Those who place too much value on comfort and security
are probably in for a rough time.
Those who are unencumbered and flexible
will more likely survive.

In spite of the “weight of the sad time,”
I bring you a message of hope.
For I believe our young people can yet save the world.
The revolution that is needed now is already taking place
in the minds and lives of some of them.
They have a dream of a somehow strangely better world
than the one they have inherited,
and they are living as if it were already visible, already here.
They step to a different drummer.

Elizabeth Watson

There have been many times when the “weight of the sad time” is upon me. Being young myself I am used to seeing young people sell out everyday and make themselves old before their time. It seems I lose my best friends this way. I cannot respect what they respect. There is so much more to life than striving to be white and middle class or passing for something close to being white and middle class with middle class feelings and middle class sympathies, liked by white, middle class, normal people. This is the failing of Christianity, one of the reasons many people do not want it, and many Christians, though they will not admit it, do not want it. All too frequently the churches not only allow for a banal life, but they seem to encourage it. There is nothing more to aspire to than this lack of aspiration. Day by day people once brilliant with life give into this lack of life… a thing that can’t even rightly be called death. This belief in a God who is at once peering into one’s bedroom, taking names and notes and making condemnations and at the same time distant and removed from everything is a hell. The faith that the world is full of sin and hostile, that heaven begins when you die, and that one day God will come and save us so that we don’t have to, is also a hell. Christians who call themselves sinners, with relief, because being a sinner means being sick and being sick means you don’t have to bother too much with getting better… this is just your condition you see, is a hell. In fact, one of the greatest hells is the word “sin” which must have meant something at one point in time, but now only breeds in Christians a since of ennui. The myth of Original Sin, not even in the Bible, has been taken by it’s logical conclusion: the world is conceived in evil. I am conceived in evil. We cannot help but be bad. How many Christians have I heard not only go on about their sin, but then start to speak of mine—which they knew nothing of—and of the whole world’s. By which they meant, “I do wrong. But everyone does wrong. So the wrong is right. Or, if not ‘right’ then ‘all right,’ which—in a world where we judge by comparing ourselves to others—ends up meaning ‘right’. This too is a hell. And the truth is hell is not nearly so interesting as a pitchfork and fire, demons dancing about and banging on drums. This might, to some, be a good time. Hell is a sad place of stagnancy, misery and quiet desperation.

And yet, at times like these, it is good to remember “the revolution… taking place in the minds of SOME of them.” Some is enough. Some is always more than enough. Just a few who are not willing to settle, just a few whose hearts on fire, just a few who would rather go mad then go into mediocrity…. That may be all we get for now.

But for now it’s all we need.

Hi again.

I have request. It's a little out there, but if you don't ask, you don't get, right?

My Mum is running the "Race for Life" for Cancer Research UK on the 11th of July, and I'm basically asking if anyone out there would be kind enough to sponsor her? I have a paypal account, so if you're out across the waves, then no worries (and I would make up the amount that paypal charges to transfer the money...). My email to paypal is Also, I'll be there on the day and make sure that I get photos to prove she did it!! It was just a thought to reach out the dozens of people who read my site :) If you can sponsor her, then please email me with your full name and amount, and I will add you to the form.

Please don't feel pressured - it's just a sideline request!

Anyway, catch you later!!

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