Friday, January 14, 2005

Witch's Blood

Witch's Blood

I'm beginning to love proofreading so much that I have to remember to do actual writing. Now I'm proofing a new story, and I've been longing to do this for a while.

I never proof until the story has sat cold for at least half a year. This usually translates to more than a year, and then it takes a while to write the initial draft. I am always writing from the place I am in at the time. So reading a rough manuscript is more accurate (for me) than reading my own journals. I say things better when I am saying them fictionally.

And I learn things.

What have I learned?

That I am not sure if I have faith anymore. Faith as defined by a church. There are things more important, and more sustaining that faith. And they are all around me. Blessing me.


Frema said...

You know, the old saying certainly isn't, "Church bless you."

I am very, very witty. And beginning Prince Caspian. Ah, the return of the Pevensie gang! I missed them so. And I really, thoroughly enjoyed The Horse and His Boy. Silly Bree.

Unknown said...

I'm looking forward to the new story, oh blessed one :)

Chris said...

It's coming, Helen!