Sunday, October 24, 2004


Scott needs to shave.
Scott the librarian is so pale he is translucent. You can nearly see through him. It's nearly eerie except he's kind so if he's a ghost, you'd have to call him Casper. Only, Scott is very much a live, and even a little bit of facial hair looks like too much on someone that pale. Clumps of gold all over his face as he checks my fines and, upon seeing that I might be a little in trouble, clicks the override button for all the items I might be fined.

Whenever library fines magically disappear, or I'm riding he bus for free, or receiving a book voucher from the receptionist for this semester's text books even though my loans are in default, I remember that it's always a blessing to have friends in high places.

And high places are usually just on the other side of the counter.

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