Monday, March 28, 2005


Something happened in those three days, the Triduum. Something happened amidst the candles ,the incense, the ritual. Not just the rituals in the Catholic Church, but in my Anglican one, and in my house, on my own. Something happened this Lent.

I became a Catholic again.

I thought that my issues with the church were only about a couple of years old, but I realize I have been bitter my whole life, and now, suddenly, the bitterness is lifted and these people are my people. That is really what religion is about. And so, with a great deal of trepidation, I admit to being Catholic again.

This does not mean that I will

1. become a Conservative
2. attend the Catholic parish anymore than I did in the past


3. pretend that the church isn't just as mysoginistic, homophobic and behind the times in its doctrines as it always was.

What it does mean is that:

1. religion is more than what's on the page of the cathechism and
2. Faith is not cerebral or logical.

What it does mean is that

I am not bitter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good for you! Nice to know someone is sorting their life out!! :)