Sunday, February 27, 2005

History Lesson

Today's bitch of the week is Anne Boleyn, mother of Queen Elizabeth I and second wife to King Henry VIII

In the early part of the sixteenth century, Anne Boleyn stopped at nothing to marry King Henry VIII and seize the power of his wife and current queen, Catherine of Aragon. After having persuaded Henry to commit an act of bigamy in marrying her, move against the papacy and cast out his own wife while disinheriting her daughter, Anne was coronated queen of England.

While Catherine of Aragon lay dying, she sent a letter to Henry telling the husband who had abandoned her that she loved and forgave him and longed only to see his face once again, but when Catherine died, Anne dressed in yellow and threw a parade.

Less than a year later, Anne Boleyn was beheaded in the Tower of London and replaced by yet another femme fetale, her maid, Jane Seymour.

Serves the bitch right!

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