Sunday, February 12, 2006

eleven at night

I've started reading again, reading novels I mean. I'm reading Zeitgeist, this amazing, thick and pretty much out of print weird ass book that came out a few years back. I'm getting Ben sort of turned onto it. It's the weird sort of out of the establishment writing that i admire and do. I want to make a sort of midwestern outpost for this type of different work.

I've been watching so much television and film. I think... this is what I want my work to be like. I want to recapture in words the scenes I see in cinema and televison. i want to write like a movie or like a poem...

or like a freakshow.


Frema said...

I'm reading "InDesign CS2 For Dummies" for work, so I can try and transform myself into a graphic designer, which I'm SOOO not. Blech.

Unknown said...

Hey - just trying to get hold of you because i haven't had any mails or anything for ages. Are you ok??