Sunday, August 28, 2005


This is the dance darlings. Tomorrow morning I go into something I don't know anything about, or not that much about. I've pretty much dropped out of the Masters program I wanted so badly because it turned out so badly and now I'm going to study what I want to and what I know so little about. I don't know the details of the road I travel or even it's end, but I know that what it is is life.

The Lord took me by the hand. Blindly I followed...
--Sister Madeleine of Jesus


Frema said...

Congratulations, barcillac, on following your dream.

Also, check out You and your secret personality will just love it.

Chris said...

Secret personality... I don't know what you're talking about.

Unknown said...

Hey, just wanted to check you were ok after the Katrina thing - I estimate that you are about 100 miles away - so I hope it didn't reach that far... feel so helpless over here!

Unknown said...

Oops - meant 1000 miles on that last post!!

Frema said...

I'm pregnant!


No I'm not. But I do miss you.