Monday, February 06, 2006

Coming Back

Good Lord, i'm trying to come back, little by little. Step by step. I never knew how much of an instrument the computer really is. I've been jockeying through two crappy ones and finally bought one. This is it. Late at night, before bed, my mouth tasting like coffee and cigarettes I get a little time to write something about the writing life. This is it, I suppose, just the acknowledgment that it is exists, that it is made up of little bits of struggle to get your words out no matter how seemingly meaningless they are, no matter how sporadic. Like right now, when I am just writing about writing and trying to connect to you all again.


Frema said...

Hi, Chris! The Internet is glad you're back.

Unknown said...

Hey! I wondered where you had gone!

Chris said...

I had gone straight to HELL!!!

Well, not really.